Week Eleven

In Chesney-Lind's article the author talks about how violence in girls has increased 41.5%. The author relates this to increased women's liberation which led to an increase in women in all fields including the criminal. The article cites a report from New York City that claims crime rates of black females is equal to those of white males.The article discusses how the violent woman has become a prominent theme in film with movies such as Thelma and Louise and Basic Instinct. Chesney- Lind claims that like their male counter parts women are drawn to crime for the same reasons, mainly lack of legitimate opportunities.

In the article about newspapers in Washington the authors claim that domestic violence is a result of the organization of the home. They say that the gender roles and privacy of the family leads to abuse. I don't agree with this mainly because not all families have violence. If gender roles and privacy that all families have lead to violence and not every household has violence then that argument is invalid. The article also says that when women kill  their husbands it's in self defense or after a long history of abuse. We can see this in the movie Enough. I enjoy this movie because I like the idea of a woman working hard and training to be able to over power an aggressor. I do see the cheese factor of this movie at the same time though and do admit this would never happen in real life.

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