A little about myself and my media consumption

My name is Amanda, I'm a Sophomore. I'm majoring in Advertising and minoring in Art and Sociology. The focus of my Soc minor is going to be in criminology type classes because I am obsessed with shows such as criminal minds and other crime shows. Also when I took Soc in high school the sections on crime and deviance interested me the most so I'm trying to learn more about those topics.

During this week I have watched my boyfriend and his friends play hours of Assassins Creed on Xbox, which is a heart warming game about killing authoritarians and trying to avenge the wrongful deaths of family members while overthrowing the establishment. We also watched Super Troopers which portrays highway patrol as the goofball under dogs who are always right in the end and shows the local police as corrupt villains. Then we watched Sweet Home Alabama (we finally got our chick flick in) and according to this film "Felony Melonie" can raise all sorts of hell and go to jail many times and suffer no consequences at all other than having to pick between two very attractive men (which per the rule of romantic comedies the scruffy guy always wins, in this case her husband). Other than that I didn't really have much media consumption other than Facebook.